IHI launches a new interdisciplinary initiative to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease at scale


The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has just launched a new interdisciplinary initiative, AD-RIDDLE, kick-starting a five-year effort to transform how Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is detected, diagnosed, and treated across healthcare settings.

Developed by an interdisciplinary consortium of partners, AD-RIDDLE will offer healthcare providers a toolbox platform of validated resources and tailored interventions to help prevent and treat Alzheimer’s disease at scale. The AD-RIDDLE platform will allow for flexible adaptation and application in diverse settings, from memory clinics, to primary care, to the broader population outside of healthcare systems.

A real-world testing study will be conducted in these settings across six European countries, and will provide extensive evidence to support implementation of diagnostic tools, treatments and lifestyle interventions. EPND will host data from the study in a GDPR-compliant manner and make datasets available for additional research and discovery, with the goal of facilitating new findings in neurodegenerative disease research.

Coinciding with the project launch, the AD-RIDDLE consortium published an article in the Journal of Prevention of Alzheimer's Disease, highlighting how the project will bridge the gap between AD research, implementation science, and precision medicine.

AD-RIDDLE will rapidly advance the “last mile” of innovation, bridging Alzheimer’s care pathways from research to a real-world setting in an efficient and effective manner based on high-quality data,” said Niranjan Bose, Managing Director, Health and Life Sciences at Gates Ventures and co-lead for the project. “AD-RIDDLE will generate evidence for clinical implementation of precision diagnostics, interventions and therapies, and drive new research on Alzheimer’s disease by making datasets available through EPND.”

Visit ad-riddle.org, read the AD-RIDDLE press release and view the JPAD publication below to learn more.

EPND congratulates our AD-RIDDLE consortium partners on their announcements!

View the JPAD publication