Biomarker research

Register for our Workshop on Biomarker Best Practices


The European Platform for Neurodegenerative Diseases (EPND) is creating new pathways for collaborative research, building a platform, tools and services to support data and sample sharing from neurodegenerative disease research studies. Our goal: to accelerate biomarker research, and support the development of new diagnostics and treatments.

Individual researchers, biobanks and institutions face many methodological challenges, such as the best way to collect biosamples, how to process them to maintain the highest quality possible, and how to rigorously validate assays to ensure they are accurate. These challenges are hugely amplified in large-scale biomarker research, when biosamples are drawn from multiple cohorts and studies.

In our interactive, online Workshop on Biomarker Best Practices, EPND experts will present our new SOPs and best practices, explaining how individual researchers, laboratories and biobanks can overcome some of the obstacles they may face in collecting, processing or sharing biosamples.

There'll be plenty of time for Q&A, so come armed with questions!

Click here to register for the Workshop:

EPND Workshop on Biomarker Best Practices

Date: Monday, 9 October, between 4-5.30pm CET (7-8.30am PST)

Moderator: Professor Charlotte Teunissen, Amsterdam UMC

Agenda and Speakers:

Introduction to EPND

Pieter Jelle Visser, Professor of Molecular Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease, Maastricht University

From current biobanking practices to a best practice guideline

Dr. Maike Tauchert, Quality Manager, Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure

Getting around with the EPND biofluid collection and biobanking SOP

Charlotte Teunissen, Professor in Neurochemistry, Amsterdam University Medical Center

Developing a combined Cohort Minimal Dataset SOP

Michele Hu, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience, University of Oxford

Test the test: evaluate your immunoassays guided by a SOP

Ulf Andreasson, Associate Professor, University of Gothenburg

Assessment of the best practices of digital biomarker collection

Dr. Katy Brem, Senior Researcher, King's College London