Our Partners
The EPND Consortium joins public and private leaders in neurodegenerative research and treatment from across Europe to accelerate progress.
The EPND Consortium is made up of 29 public and private partners and will bring together more than 60 separate cohorts to amplify our collective ability to create breakthroughs. With 19 countries currently represented, EPND will build a diverse community of users and contributors in the European Union working to eradicate neurodegenerative diseases.
Follow along as our work unfolds
Project Co-Coordinator: Pieter Jelle Visser
Professor of Molecular Epidemiology of Alzheimer's Disease, Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology
Project Co-Coordinator: Anthony J. Brookes
Professor of Genomics and Data Science, Department of Genetics and Genome Biology
Project Co-Leader: Phil Scordis
Head of Patient Data Analytics, Data and Translational Sciences